You can help make the world more sustainable

WorldBag is committed to making sustainability happen and to make it easier for you to contribute.

Why reuse matters

Each big bag consist of 3 kg of polypropylene, often discarded after just one use. Yet reusing these bags can reduce carbon emissions by 50-70%! That’s why we’ve made it a priority to extend the life of our big bags and minimise waste.

How it works

We use ventilated big bags designed for reuse (6:1 specification). Once emptied, these bags are collected, thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and inspected before being refilled for the next cycle. Together with LC Packaging UK and their subsidiary, WorldBag, specialists in big bag reconditioning, we ensure each bag is ready for reuse.

We do this together with the supplier of the big bags, LC Packaging UK, and their subsidiary WorldBag, who are specialists in big bag reconditioning.

How can you help?

To keep the big bags in good condition for reuse, we ask that you handle them carefully:

  • Avoid using knives or sharp objects
  • Do not cut cords or any part of the bag
  • Refrain from writing on the bags
  • After emptying, fold them (double) neatly on a pallet (ideally 100×120 cm)
  • Tuck in any loose straps or cords.
  • Store the bags dry
  • Bundle the bags securely on a pallet for collection

For a quick, one-minute guide, watch our 1 minute instruction video here!

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LC Packaging will contact you to arrange for the collection. If you’d like to start sooner, you can contact them at the following email address:

We need YOU to make the world more sustainable!
Thank you so much for your cooperation.
